Tuesday, July 1, 2014



Introducing the Gillette Fusion ProGlide with FlexBall Handle Technology, the razor that responds to contours for a shave that’s preferred 2-to-1 over the former Fusion ProGlide.”

    For this Bzzcampaign I got a Gillette Fusion Proglide Power razor. This thing is a monstrosity of every conceivable gimmick I have ever seen on a razor. It has five blades, the head swivels vertically and horizontally, it has some special rails on the shave head for things, a comfort pad thingy, and it even vibrates. I think the R&D department just looked up every feature available on current razors and put them on it.

    When I received it my first thought was that this was just over the top. There is no way any of this could possibly be that much better than the store brand disposables that I use. Do these gimmicks really make that much of a difference? The short answer is yes, it makes a difference.

    It was really strange to shave with this at first. It felt like I wasn't putting any pressure on my face at all and I couldn't even feel it cutting any hair. To my surprise, once the shave foam was moved from the shaving area, I was shaved, which I wasn't expecting. This thing just glides over every contour and gives a fantastic shave with very little effort. I found that the only useless feature of the razor is the vibration, I shaved half my face with it and half without and there was no difference at all in quality or ease of use.

    This blog is all about usability though, so, how usable is it?

    I use cheap, store brand, disposable razors when I need a close shave, otherwise, I just use my clippers or beard trimmer. I have owned several reloadable razor handles in the past and have always found that the cartridges are more expensive than they are worth. The Gillette Fusion Proglide Power is a fantastic razor and is just not really for me.

    I do feel that women may really enjoy this razor. A mans face is mostly straight with a few curves that are easily negotiable with a different chin position. Women have a lot of angles that need to be negotiated that I think this razor would excel at. I would imagine that the risk of nicks would be minimal since it needs very little pressure and adjusts to everything.

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